

Ahhh, the relief of having the MRI over! I so completely panicked this morning that I was ashamed of myself. Stomach pains. Heart palpitations. And all over a silly test that could not possibly hurt.The men who run the machine were very patient with me and spent quite a bit of time making certain I was comfortable. Well as comfortable as a person can be who has intense pain when laying on her back. They made certain I had earphones with classical music flowing. I counted thumps and bumps and squeeks and seconds and musical beats and heart beats. 20 minutes later I was back on my feet and returning to the reception area. I was out of there so fast that the pain medicine barely had time to register. Which did not help me during the test but has made this evening a very drowsy time.

Now I can relax and get some sleep. This afternoon in front of the computer. This evening in the chair. Tonight in bed. Probably most of tomorrow if the pain medicines don't wear off sooner. And thankfully the third round of Sock Madness has not been announced yet. I may yet be clearheaded for one of these rounds.

And if the next round is harder than the last I will need every sober braincell I have left.

In the meantime Mittnz 2009 has been announced. For the facts go to see Sheep Shots. I greatly encourage everyone to knit, sew, buy, whatever mittens and send them to Cheyenne River Reservation (CRYP P.O. Box 410, Eagle Butte, SD 57625) during the final week of September. It gets very cold in South Dakota. Children and Seniors need warmed. And you get a chance to win some prizes. So please dig out some spare yarn, grab some fleece fabric or go shopping. There is nothing like sharing to make us all feel better about ourselves.

You won't find things like this on the News. Which proves those 'News' programs aren't worth much of your time......Unless you are knitting while they are talking.

If you join in, Sheep Shots made this for your blogs.

If you want to help publicize the effort please save a copy to your server and add it to your page.

Come join us. The water is just fine.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Thanks for the plug! Hope you are feeling better and better.
