

Even the Mobius scarves don't tempt me today. sniffle, sniffle, sneeze Whomever gave me this sinus infection is on my uffdah list. And of course today the DSL repairman had to come investigate. Now the customer service person told me that he would not need to come inside. He would only investigate the outside lines. So my computer desk was buried beneath yarns and in-progress scarves and patterns to be sorted and bills and half-empty tea cups and bottles of water and all sorts of stuff that got dumped there when the DSL started acting up and the sinus infection kicked in. Oh my. Could I make that sentence longer? "It was a dark and stormy night...."
I had crawled back into my nest of blankets and quilts and tissue boxes when the dearest husband popped open the door. DSL guy was there to check the phone filters. DH obliged his desperate (and desperately unkempt) lady by doing the deed himself. He ripped the phone out. And I let him. Hours later as I emerged from the cocoon to find life continued, I heard the rest of the story. And laughed until my poor lungs lost what breath was left. I am a computer geek. I enjoy being perverse. I hide my computer icons, switch icons, wierdly name my files and in general make my computer difficult. The DSL guy could not find anything. He finally brought in his own laptop to hook to the network. When even his laptop would not connect to his chosen testpath, he was dumbfounded. In desperation he PHONED the company. Seems that his testpath had gone down. Yup, our network connection was fixed but the testpath wasn't. Do you hear the evil cackles rising from my hoarse throat? Poor man. I hope he stopped for a cold beer before heading home. Life is odd. Always worth a good chuckle. The best part is DSL guy gave us a fantastic router and we are networked again!!!! Six weeks of trying to get BELKIN's new Wireless G router to work, two replacements and hours and hours of untangling Indian English (nice people but scripted). Now I can send all three Belkins back and be done with trying to get past page 3 of their script. Big sigh of relief. Next time I call DSL folks first.

Another upshot is that I can upload photos again. Yeah !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved Lime and Violet!! Thank you so much!! I am already attatched to them. Could I have more? I will pay you!! Your 1st cuz.